Frigidaire FFTA1033Q2 Manual de usuario

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U.S. Government
Federal law prohibits removal of this label before consumer purchase.
Room Airconditioner
Without Reverse Cycle
Without Louvered Sides
Model FFTA1033Q1
Capacity: 10,000 BTUs
Estimated Yearly Energy Cost
Cost Range of Similar Models
Your cost will depend on your utility rates and use.
' Cost range based only on models of similar capacity without reverse cycle
and without louvered sides.
Estimated energy cost based on a national average electricity cost of 12
cents per kWh and a seasonal use of 8 hours a day over a 3 month period.
For more information,visit
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Indice de contenidos

Pagina 1 - Estimated Yearly Energy Cost

U.S. GovernmentFederal law prohibits removal of this label before consumer purchase.Room Airconditioner Without Reverse Cycle Without Louvered SidesF

Modelos relacionados FFTA1033Q1

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