Frigidaire FPUR3219-D1010 Guía de instalación

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Undermount Sinks
These instructions are for installing Frigidaire undermount stainless steel sinks.
Undermount sinks are sinks that are installed below the countertop. If you are
installing another type of sink, such as a drop-in sink which is installed on top of
the counter, please refer to instructions specifically for those sinks.
Templates are supplied only as a guide. Use of the actual sink will ensure a more
accurate cutout.
The instructions that follow are for installing an Frigidaire undermount stainless steel sink in a solid surface
countertop only. Minimum thickness of the actual countertop material is one half-inch. In addition, a one-inch
build up around the sink is preferred. Frigidaire recommends that undermount sinks and routering of your solid
surface material should be performed by a professional installer for best results.
Requirements vary for installation in a granite, marble, stone, or butcher block countertop. Please contact your
fabricator for specific details.
Before installing, inspect the sink for damage. Do not install a damaged unit.
Remember, it is your responsibility to follow all local plumbing and building codes.
The warranty will be voided if these installation instructions are not followed.
Create a template.
Using a framing square, draw a line from front to back on the
bottom of the countertop, indicating the location of the center
of the sink.
Draw a line parallel to the front edge of the countertop,
indicating how far back the sink should be located. Typically the
setback is 2” to 2-1/2” from the front of the counter, depending
on the countertop overhang, the type of sink bowl and the size
of the sink deck.
To create a template, turn the sink upside down on the piece of
plywood and trace around it. Or place template transfer paper
or cardboard template on plywood. NOTE: paper and cardboard
templates are supplied only as a guide. Using the actual sink
ensures a more accurate cutout.
Mark the centerpoint of the sink on the template.
If you are using a 5/8” template guide on your router, draw
another line 1/16” outside the sink outline (this allows for the
5/8” template guide). If you are using other cutting methods,
adjust accordingly.
CAUTION: Be sure to cut on the inside of the template line to
obtain your desired reveal.
Adjust the template size to allow for the type of reveal.
Cut the plywood template, paying particular attention to the
corner radius.
Eye protection (safety glasses/goggles)
strongly recommended
Ear protection strongly recommended
Supplied undermount template and clips
3/8” thick plywood sheet for cutting
a template
Two 6” bar clamps
Framing square
Pencil (not permanent marker)
Silicone adhesive sealant
6 oz Ball-peen hammer
Slotted screwdriver
Tape measure
Drill and drill bit
Stop block
5/8” template guide with straight
fluted router bit
Denatured alcohol
Wood braces
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Indice de contenidos

Pagina 1 - Undermount Sinks

Undermount SinksINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSThese instructions are for installing Frigidaire undermount stainless steel sinks.Undermount sinks are sinks

Pagina 2

STEP 2 Make the sink cutout.Find the center of the sink template and align it with the center mark drawn on the countertop. Place the template with th

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